S4: E76 Jess Zeigler, Longarm League
Chit Chat
Hello this chilly November day! This has been a strange yet wonderful fall season, weather wise. We are in the first week of November and at the peak of autumn leaves everywhere. It was odd that there were green leaves on most of the trees up till last week…I really like this kind of fall weather.
This is the Liberty poplin cotton fabric I purchased. It is so beautiful, and I hope I will make this soon. The Harrison Shirt pattern seemed like a perfect silhouette for this fabric. Click on the Harrison Shirt photo to link to the Cashmerette website.
Jess Zeigler, Longarm League
Jess Zeigler, founder of the Longarm League
I really hope you enjoy this episode with Jess Zeigler. It is fascinating to hear about the Longarm business. There are so many different types of Longarm services out there. Not everyone wants super dense quilting on their quilts. Others may want all the pretty custom bells and whistles. There is something for everyone in the world of Longarm quilting.
Thanks to Jess for this fabulous promo code for Make and Decorate listeners. Save 50% on digital pantograph designs in the Longarm League online shop. Enter Promo Code: MD2021 at checkout
If you are a Longarm professional, check out the Longarm League membership page for details about resources for Longarm quilters.