M&D 32 QS#3 Machine Quilting with Christa Watson
Portable Projects on Vacation
Below are pics of the crochet hexagons that I finally got right after many unravels. After many practice hexies, my stitches look much better, and I can finish about 3 per hour now - yay!
I practiced hand quilting on the mini quilt from the Trixie panel. I had fun with it and played around with different stitch lengths. I definitely liked the silicone thimbles for the thumb and forefinger - it made stitching much more comfortable and less taxing on my fingers and thumb.

Our trip to NY/Vermont
We drove from Chicago to New York/Vermont, and left on the 4th of July. One thing I learned, don’t go on a road trip on a holiday….nothing is open…like food places! We survived on gas station snacks, LOL.
I visited a very nice modern quilt shop while in Vermont, The Waterwheel House Quilt Shop . I met the owners, Andrew and Shelley Sas, and they couldn’t have been more welcoming. I also met Phoebe who works at this lovely shop.
Cooper’s bed was a hit with another dog, Maddie. She was so cute and really enjoyed his bed, so I will be making her a bed of her own in the near future!

Quilt Series #3 Domestic Machine Quilting with Christa Watson
Our off-topic tangent, LOL!
We got off on a tangent talking about the new Tula Pink Bernina Special Edition machines coming out in November 2019. The 570 and 770 models will be available in this special edition. My favorite part of this edition is the iridescent finish on the harp space and take-up lever!! Soooo pretty.
Christa’s recommendations on batting and thread for machine quilting
Christa’s Spray Baste Tutorials
There is a quilt along going on now that you can still join. This quilt along is for Christa’s Color Weave pattern. Here is the link to this QAL https://christaquilts.com/2019/05/28/color-weave-quilt-along/
You can also signup for the next quilt along starting on September 9th for the Infrastructure quilt. Here is the link to sign up for this one . https://shop.christaquilts.com/