Stephanie Socha Design

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New Blog: Make and Decorate!

Hello! I am Stephanie Socha, and I want to welcome you to my Make and Decorate blog. This post marks a new beginning for my blog and website.   Over the past 10 years I have reconnected with sewing, learned how to piece and quilt, along with other sewing techniques and genres.  I am a designer and a maker. I love to make beautiful things for my home, decorating for the seasons and hoIidays, and do a bit of gardening and cooking yummy food. All of which I will post and share with you along the way.

Over the years I have made wonderful friends in our maker community, and I feel a passion to contribute to and continue to foster our community of like minded creative souls!  I never feel more alive than when in the company of zany, kind and inspirational makers.

I hope you enjoy the content and get inspired to make something every day, whether it is a quick pillow, or a long term quilt project or a yummy bowl of soup! 

In addition to this blog, I plan to launch my very own Podcast, called “Make and Decorate”! I’ve got a few episodes already recorded, so stay tuned for that to finally release into the “wild”…or iTunes.